Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Rav Shmuel Dovid Friedman - Siyum Hashas Yerushalmi

Hagaon HaRav Shmuel Dovid Friedman, made a Siyum on Talmud Yerushalmi on Sunday. Rav Shmuel Dovid is a major Talmud Chochm, a Baki B’Shas, has made numerous Siyumim on Shas, and is a Mechaber Seforim. He is also seasoned Daf Yomi Maggid Shiur.

The Siyum was made on Shushan Purim, and was made Lizecher Nishmas, Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky ZT’L, whose Yartzheit was on Shabbos.

Shlomo Simcha with the Students of LEC - Meor Enayim

When a student can’t remember the Pesukim that correspond to the first and last letters of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s name, traditionally recited by Chasidim, (in addition to  the Pesukim corresponding to their own individual names) at the conclusion of Shemoneh Esrei, his teacher (Shlomo Simcha) and fellow students are there to help with an upbeat song.

מְאוֹר עֵ֖ינַיִם יְשַׂמַּח־לֵב שְׁמוּעָה טוֹבָה תְּדַשֶּׁן־עָצֶם:
(Mishlei 15:30)

מַה־טֹּ֥בוּ אֹֽהָלֶיךָ יַעֲקֹ֑ב מִשְׁכְּנֹתֶיךָ יִשְׂרָאֵל:
(Bamidbar 24:5)

Song Inspired by: Shneor Jarouffi
Composed by: Yossi Green
Produced by: Yossi Tyberg
Performed by: Shlomo Simcha
Arranged by: Eli Klein & Yitzi Berry
Video Executive Producer: Rabbi Yakov Garfinkel
Video Producer: Rabbi Mendy Shachar
Cinematography: Dov Gurewicz

Featuring over 1,200 students of Lubavitch Educational Center’s Early Childhood and Boys Schools in Miami, Florida.

Produced for LEC’s Gala Dinner, February 25, 2025

Chuppah Moments: V'nacha • Eitan Katz

There’s something so special about chuppah moments—the tefillos, the emotion, the feeling of Hashem’s presence as two people begin their journey together. Music only enhances that, carrying the depth of the moment in a way words cannot. "V’nacha" is an especially beautiful tefillah for the chuppah—asking that Hashem’s presence rest upon us, bringing peace, clarity, and bracha as this new home is built. In a moment so filled with hope and connection, this tefillah is a reminder that every step forward is guided from above.

Originally recorded for the "Truma" Album by Eitan Katz

Eli Marcus Echoes of Joy - A Pre Dance se

Eli Marcus is back with the Shea Kaller band with a pre dance medley. Feel the joy and get ready to dance, because we’re about to welcome the Chosson and Kallah!

Set List:
0:00 1. Sameach - Benny Friedman - Composed by Elimelech Blumstein - Nagila Venismecha
1:35 2. ⁠Chosson Domeh Limelech - Eli Herzlich - Composed by Mona Rosenblum - Chosson Domeh Lemelech
3:08 3. ⁠Mazel Tov - Eli Marcus - Composed by Yitzy Waldner - Dovid Hamelech
4:15 4. ⁠Sason Vesimcha - R' Shloime Taussig - Composed by Yossi Green - Taussig 2 (Published by Oh Yeah! Music)
5:40 5. ⁠Od Yishoma - Sung & Composed by Mordechai Ben David - Ein Od Milvado
6:43 6. ⁠Devai Haser - Miami Boys Choir - Composed by Yerachmiel Begun - Shabbos Yerusholayim
7:17 7. ⁠Siman Tov - Avraham Fried - Composed by Pinky Weber - Avraham Fried Live!
8:05 8. ⁠Inshallah - Yaakov Shwekey - Composed by Udi Damari & Yitzy Waldner, Lyrics by Udi Damari - We Are A Miracle
9:24 9. ⁠Od Yishoma - Sung & Composed by Boruch Sholom Blesofsky - Hineni

The Taivos Song

Enjoy this song about taming one's desires, based on Hayom Yom 25 Adar II Excerpted from "Generation Seven - The Legend (2024)." Performed by the students of United Lubavitcher Yeshiva, Brooklyn NY.

Driving through a Purim Rave

Isaac Gordon | The World Will Know Your Name

Hosted by Rabbi Simon Jacobson’s My Life Chassidus Applied and exclusively on COLlive.com, with submissions for the Chassidus in Color Art Contest due by 11 Nissan, April 9th, a new music video inspires the hundreds of artists worldwide now hoping to win. Set to a powerful new song by singer songwriter Isaac Gordan, the video tells one boy’s moving story of dreams crushed and restored.

If you’ve dreamed of creating art with a Jewish message, this is your chance. This year’s contest is centered on envisioning the Geulah. Submissions are open until 11 Nissan, April 9th.

Winners, as judged by artists Michoel Muchnik, Estee Klein, Esther Maxwell, Mush Kanner, and Rabbi Yossi Paltiel, along with Rabbi Mendel Wolf, will be announced at the Jewish Children’s Museum on May 18th.

To submit your art and view contest guidelines and prizes, visit chassidusapplied.com

Check out details and Prizes for "Chassidus in Color Art Contest, Geula Edition"

Submit your art today!

Monday, March 24, 2025

Six13 - Prayer for the Hostages - Music Video

Since October 7, many synagogues around the world have adopted the "Mi Shebeirach" tefilah for our hostages. It is a reminder that we are not whole as long as there are hostages sitting in captivity, and it is a piercing prayer to God to set them free. We felt compelled to take this setting composed by our own Mordy Weinstein and put the Six13 spin on it.

Music by Mordy Weinstein
Arranged by Ed Boyer
Recorded by Six13
Edited by Chris Harrison
Mixed by Ed Boyer
Mastered by Eric Scholz
Produced by Mordy Weinstein
Video edited and produced by Kristine Slipson

Yaakov Shwekey - Kaddish - Music Video

Yaakov Shwekey is Releasing a New Single and music video titled “Kaddish,” which he co-wrote and Produced With Yitzy Waldner, in Memory of his Parents, Fallen IDF soldiers, the Murdered Hostages, and all those who lost their lives Al Kiddush Hashem.

The song was Arranged by Yanky Steinmetz and is Accompanied By an Especially Moving Video depicting the Names and Faces of all the fallen heroes.

In the Video, Shwekey wears a unique Tallit, Embroidered with the Names of the Soldiers who perished HY”D, An initiative by his dear friend Shai Graucher.

Lyrics: Tfilat Kaddish
Produced & composed: Yaakov Shwekey & Yitzy Waldner
More Lyrics: Yaakov Shwekey & Yitzy Waldner
Arranged by: Yanky Steinmetz
Guitars: Noam Burg
Drums: Avi Avidani
Keys: Yanky Steinmetz
Strings: The Yiddish Note Group
Yitzy Waldner & Motti Feldman & Yaakov Shwekey Choir:
Mix & Master: Aran Levi
Design: Shneor Cortez

Music Video Produced by Olam עולם ומלואו
Producer: Chana Orian
Director: Aharon Orian
Cinematographer: David Orian

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Thousands At Yahrzeit Of R' Elimelech of Lizhensk

Thousands of Chasidic Jews pray at the grave in Poland of one of the faith’s most influential rabbis, marking the 238th anniversary of his death. Rabbi Elimelech Weisblum’s grave in southeastern Poland see Jews from across the world they pray, dance and sing at one of the most significant places in the Hasidic faith.

“Der Hilger” Rabbi Elimelach of Lizensk is of singular significance to Chasidim, merely mentioning his name brings shivers to some. In addition to his deep piety and elevated righteous status, he is also the author of the venerated sefer, Noam Elimelach – one of the principal Chasidic works, which is furthermore believed to be a powerful segulah in many areas. The annual pilgrimage of Chasidim pays homage to his towering greatness. They pray, they sing, they dance, and they worship as one in many moving ceremonies imploring for the merits of their tzaddik to be upon them as well. Many Chasidim go to great lengths as to be present to this emotionally charged event, and it is said that the Rebbi promised anyone who would visit his grave would not leave this world without teshuva.

Elimelech lived from 1717 to 1787, and became one of the most important figures in the Orthodox Jewish faith after dedicating his life to studying the Torah.

Jacob Blumenthal - Chupah

For Bookings and Additional Information: JABlumenthalSings@gmail.com | 201-519-9226

Vocals by: Jacob Blumenthal
Accompanied by: Shir Soul @ ShirSoulMusic
David Ross - Bandleader
Arjana Danylets - Violin
Stephen Chen - Saxophone
Ivan Danylets - Keyboard

Filmed LIVE on location at The Riverview Ballroom - Cliffside Park, NJ
Produced, Recorded, Mixed & Mastered by David Ross @ Shir Soul Studios
Video by: David Ross & Jacob Blumenthal